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Join North Coast Tri Club

Membership options

We are here to help you navigate through your


Triathlon journey

If you have any questions relating to membership or NCTC, please reach out to us

You will need to be a Triathlon WA ( TWA ) member to be a NCTC member.  Both memberships are done in one sign up process and can be accessed via the link below.
Triathlon WA provides you access to clubs, coaches, events and racing opportunities across Australia, as well as cover while you are training and racing, depending on your chosen membership package*

Being a NCTC member means you are able to attend all of our Club events, club training and be a part of the best club! There are lots of different types of membership, from social member, basic member, standard member, premium member. Click the links to below to find out what membership suits you best!


Want to join the North Coast family? Sign up and you are covered by TWA insurance for the duration of the Triathlon season. We have quality training sessions all year round, long-course specific training programs, social catch-ups, Aquathlons, members’ only discounts and plenty of support for you on your triathlon journey.

Want to Access your Existing Membership, you can go to the GoMembership Portal via the button below

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