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Life Members of North Coast Tri Club

Becoming a life member is a truly inspiring accomplishment


Our current life members are (in alphabetical order):


  • Ann Blatchford

  • Eddy Girvan

  • Max Grieve

  • Peter Hall

  • Mark Hoffman

  • Rob Lees

  • Fiona Longden

  • David Martin

  • David Norton

  • David Rogers

  • Sue Scott

  • Barry Silverlock

  • Kim Vivan

  • Loretta Wesley

  • Bill Whalley

  • Craig Wright


Life Member Nominations


With the Club’s Annual General Meeting each year there comes an opportunity for persons to be nominated for life membership. There is a formal procedure in place for this process, and all nominations must be submitted accordingly. In this process there is the necessity to supply a reasonably extensive background portfolio on the nominated person in support of them being considered. All the details for life member nomination are below.


Procedure for nomination & appointment of Life Member


Nomination Benchmark


(It would be expected that nominees would fill not one single but several of the criteria below)


  1. Be a current member with a minimum accumulative membership duration of 10 years

  2. Be a good role model:
    A member that sets a good example in fair play, decorum, presentation and communication, plus displays compassion & understanding of other member’s needs.

  3. A member that is currently or has been a servant of the Club in any of the following roles for a combined period of 5 years
    A motivated and active Club committee member.
    Club Organizer (Club Race officiating, Social functions, fund raising, sponsorship negotiating, coaching and other Club activities including the organizing of seminars, forums, ride/swim/runs and Club PR activities).
    General administrator – production or assisting with Club Newsletter, Club Yearbook and maintenance of Club Website or any other administration duties that may have been approved by the Club committee.

  4. Outstanding ambassador for the Club as an athlete or as a representative:
    Includes racing in or wearing North Coast colours when competing or representing the Club in the Triathlon community intra & interstate.

  5. Sponsor:
    A Club member that supports the Club financially on behalf of their own company (sole operator rather than just obtaining corporate dollars – this would fall into sponsorship negotiation in point 3).


Nomination Process


  1. Members wishing to make a nomination are to contact the chairperson of the Life members

  2. There will be no requirement of the LMSC to justify any of their decisions to the nominator/s and the nominators will also be required to maintain nominee confidentiality.

  3. At all times members are asked to respect the decisions of their peers who will, at all times strive to have the best interests of the Club and all members at heart.

  4. Selection Committee (LMSC) via email below, outlining the reasons for their nomination ensuring they use the following format:

  • Supply a testimonial that outlines a brief biography of their nominee

  • Indicate the level of personal sacrifice the nominee has made to NCTC

  • The level of involvement they believe the nominee contributed to the various nomination benchmarks shown above

  • Any specific examples of extemporary contribution /s that make the nominee stand out.

  • The number of membership years (if known)


The Awarding Process

  1. The Chairperson of the LMSC or his/her delegate will address the Club AGM and put forward the committee’s motion recommending the nominee for life membership of NCTC. The motion will be seconded from the floor and be resolved by a majority vote of members present.

  2. Any member objecting to the appointment should request to address the meeting before any voting takes place to give their reasons. The voting will then only commence after any objections have been heard.

  3. If endorsed, the New Life Member will be asked if they would like to accept the award. If accepted the award will become effective immediately.

  4. If the nominee is not present at the AGM, then the presentation will take place at the next suitable Club function.


Recognition of Life Member

  1. The new life member shall be presented with a framed certificate proclaiming their election, showing the year and a brief summary of their contribution.

  2. Free Club membership for life

  3. Free entry to all Club events (races & functions – not including charity events)


Termination of Life Membership

  1. The life member will have the life membership terminated if the member is expelled from the Club or Association under the terms of the Club Constitution paragraph 10.


All submissions to be forwarded to this email address below with the subject line showing “Life member”:     

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