Frequently Asked Questions
Can I try before I buy?
There is a 14 day trial pass available for further information click here
Where can I find the latest Club information?
Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages, we use these for our regular communications :)
For Member information, join our Facebook Members Page, we post the most current and regular updated daily here, this is also a great place for you to talk & ask questions with other members :)
North Coast Tri Club Facebook Group
North Coast Tri Club Public Page
North Coast Tri Club Instagram Page
What age can I join?
We accept members from 10+. To become a member click here
Do I have to be a TWA Members to be a NCTC Member?
Triathlon Western Australia (TWA) is your insurance side of Triathlon, their membership provides insurance while racing and training, you can not compete without insurance (license). NCTC and TWA Membership goes hand in hand, you must be a TWA Member to be a NCTC Member. NCTC is a Triathlon Club.
Not a confident Swimmer? This is the most common feeling among Triathletes
You’re not alone. Not every triathlete is a great swimmer. We will teach you, our Mon & Wed Swims are in the pool and are instructor lead, they are will show you stroke techniques. During the summer, we also offer Ocean Water Swims on a Friday, which are also coached and these are fantastic for becoming more comfortable in the Ocean as-well as learning to swim in groups. In all races there are pool and/or surf lifesaving officials who are positioned in the water to ensure participant safety. Your welcome to do whatever stroke you feel comfortable doing.
We understand there are so many Formats, we can broken it down to the most common ones :)
Triathlon: Swim/Bike/Run
A triathlon has three legs and usually follows the format of swim first, bike second and run last.
Duathlon: Bike/Run
A duathlon encompasses two legs, ride and run. Usually set as run (longer distance), ride and run(shorter distance)
Aquathlon (Splash and Dash): Swim/Run
An aquathlon usually runs the format of run, swim and run again with the runs set at the same distance
There are many distances in Triathlon! Options usually include:
Trystars - 100M Swim | 3km Cycle | 500m run
Juniors - 200M Swim | 6km Cycle | 1km run
Novice - 250M Swim | 10km Cycle | 2km run
Sprint - 750M Swim | 20km Cycle | 5km run
Olympic; or Standard distance - 1.5km Swim | 40km Cycle | 10km run
Long Course; or 70.3 (18+) - 1.9km Swim | 90km Cycle | 21km run
Iron Distance (18+) - 3.8km Swim | 180km Cycle | 42km run
Benefits for being a NCTC Member
We are a family orientated club, we support not only our athletes but our supporters too! We offer safe training environments for everyone, you can view our session calendar which outlines what we offer on a weekly basis and you can view our event calendar for the events we offer over the season. We as a club offer coaching expertise, we offer a a supportive community to train and compete within, we are here to assist you reach your goals; or to provide you with likeminded people to train with :)
I’m a beginner, where do I start?
We understand how daunting it can be to step outside your comfort zone and try something new! We offer Women in Triathlon (WIT), Men in Triathlon (MIT), Trystars, Junior courses annually to help eliminate this fear! Our courses are fantastic for those who have never done a triathlon before and want to give it a go. They are 8 week coached courses, teaching you how to ride a bike on the road & in a group, teaching you how to swim in a pool and giving you pointers on how to run. These courses start in approx October of each year, if you would like more information, please email info@northcoasttriclub.org.au
You don’t have to join by one of our courses, you can merely give the 14 day Trial go, get a feel for a club. If you feel nervous and coming to one of our sessions, you can email info@northcoasttriclub.org.au and let them know you’re new and want to come along to one of our sessions for your first time and we can introduce you :)
What kind of gear do I need?
Try not to get carried away with all the flashy gear, we understand this is hard! Triathlon can be as cheap or as expensive as you like!
You do need:
FOR THE BIKE: Bike, Helmet, Shoes (Cycling shoes with cleats), Bike lights (rear and front), Puncture repair kit - Cycle pants w/ padding is most comfortable
FOR THE RUN: Shoes (Optional Hat, Glasses)
FOR THE SWIM: Goggles, Swim Cap, Towel (Optional, pull buoy, Finns)
Triathlon Race Day Checklist
We found this great list - https://triathlon.racechecklist.com
Remember food and drink for race day needs to be practiced in training, it’s trial and error to find out what works for you. It’s different for everyone.